With so many comic superheroes hitting the big screen in the past few months we thought it would be a cool idea to show you how to turn any photo into a comic style cell.Follow these simple steps...
Find a photo you want to give a comic book style effect to. Give the photo a “warmer” feel by adjusting the levels. Go to ‘Image > Adjustments > Levels’.Here we are used the settings "4,1.64, 255".The best way is to just play with the settings until you get a “warmer” image.


Posted by: Darkeyes Creations
darkeyesstudio, Updated at: 11:14 PM

Photoshop Adjustments - Basic Editing Tools Part-1


Choose "Image" then "Adjustments" and lastly "Brightness and Contrast." Click on this option. A dialogue box will open.
Moving it to the left makes the picture darker, while sliding it to the right makes the picture brighter. Choose the desired brightness and then proceed to contrast.


The levels tool can move and stretch brightness levels of an image histogram.The Levels command can give you better contrast and is the tool for you.Open the Levels dialog box by pressing Ctrl+L (Command+L on the Mac) or choosing Image→Adjustments→Levels. The graph shown in the center of the dialog box is a histogram. You can use this dialog box, histogram and all, for evaluating and adjusting levels in the following ways:
  1. View separate histograms for each channel.  
  2. Adjust the black and white points based on the histogram.
  3. See exactly what happens when you u
  4. Visually check the distribution of dark, midtone, and light values.
  5. se the Auto Tone command.   

Posted by: Darkeyes Creations
darkeyesstudio, Updated at: 4:19 PM

Sunu sunaina - Kids Freaky Hairstyle

Sunu sunaina

What comes to your mind when you think of kids ? Well,fun,innocence,mischief etc.Kids are playful and naughty by nature.You definitely know that the new age kids are quite conscious and aware of their looks.The beauty of hairstyles are the important part of their look.Freaky Hairstyles are the latest trendy hairstyle.Take a look around on it.
Posted by: Darkeyes Creations
darkeyesstudio, Updated at: 12:33 AM


 In Photoshop there are 4 types of tools

1.Selection Tools

2.Vector Drawing & Type Tools

3.Retouch Tools

4.Painting Tools

Marquee Tools-The Marquee Tools are used for selecting objects such as rectangles, squares, and ellipses.

Move Tool-The Move Tool is used to move selections, objects, and layers.
There are several Lasso Tools which are used to make irregular selections. There is a polygonal lasso tool for polygon selections, and a magnetic lasso tool which automatically follows edges of objects.

Magic Wand Tool-The Magic Wand Tool selects an area of similar colors in a single click (such as the white in the cloud logo).

Crop Tool-The Crop Tool allows users to redefine their active image area but not resize the ENTIRE image. It’s sort of like cutting out a smaller picture from a larger photo with a pair of scissors.

Posted by: Darkeyes Creations
darkeyesstudio, Updated at: 12:51 AM